The application phase for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD 2025 has started!
Start-up, SME or corporation – all pioneers of industrial digitalization and automation can receive the most important international award in Industry 4.0.
When applying for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD, the size of your company is irrelevant. Your solution simply needs to have already proven itself in practice. The focus can be on various industrial topics such as AI-supported production, resilient supply chains or an automation project.
Use our fast and free application process to position yourself as a winner of the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD 2025 with your Industry 4.0 success story.
Please apply free of charge using the following form. You will then receive the application form directly. If you fill it out and send it to by June 30, 2025, you will be entered into the competition.
Take your chance now! We look forward to receiving your application and wish you every success!

Register now

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Do you need any assistance?
We will be happy to assist you with the application and needed documentation.


Who can win the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD?

All industrial companies that have implemented a particularly innovative solution to digitalization or automation challenges in practice. Find out more about the winners of previous years here.

Who selects the winners?

After an assessment with EFESO, a jury of renowned industry decision-makers selects the winners. This is done on the basis of anonymized documents, so that all companies apply for the award with the same starting conditions and chances. Find out more about the jury here.

Can companies that have already won an award apply again?

Yes, award winners can also apply again for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD with a new solution.

Are there any costs associated with the award?

No. The application, the award, the use of the title as “INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD Winner” are free of charge.